Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates - Be Informed

Various researches have shown an exponential increase in ovarian cancer survival rates within the last 35 years. During the period of 2003 to 2007, a survey has shown an increase in 1 and 5 year ovarian cancer survival rates, with a percentage of 70 and 41 percent respectively from a previous percentage of 42 and 21 percent.

This incredible increase in ovarian cancer survival rates is highly due to the advancements in modern medicine. The huge increase in 1 year survival statistics is because of the use of platinum based chemotherapy while the 5 year increase is due to the new optimal treatments that could be given to women who are suffering from cancer of the ovary.

Age has always been a huge factor when it comes to cancer treatment of any kind. Further analysis has shown that younger women have shown better developments than older women. Ovarian cancer survival rates of women 16 to 35 years of age in a five - year period have reflected a 80% survival ratio. On the other hand women who are aged 40 years and above have a significantly lower 60% survival ratio. A research made in the United Kingdom has shown that cancer of the ovary is less likely to be identified when they get older. This is a huge factor in relation with the survival statistics of cancer of the ovary among older women.

Cancer stages are also a determining factor when it comes to ovarian cancer survival rates. When malignant cancer cells start to expand towards other systems of the body, survival chances decrease as the tumor expands due to infection. Though there have been studies that have shown a significant increase in the survival ratio per stage. At the previous years of 1987 to 1991 there was only an ovarian cancer survival rate of the first stage only had 80% while this has increased to 92% in the years 2004 to 2008. There has also been a slight increase in the survival ratio of the third and fourth stage of the disease from the previous years.

There have been many comparisons in many countries when it comes to the statistics of this kind of cancer. The good news is that, with our technology today many options are now available to provide accurate and helpful methods to free women of this terminal cancer. All women should know is that, there are a huge number of people who have lived past the nightmare because of the same disease, and they shouldn't give up on their battle as well.

For more ovarian cancer survival rates, visit Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates.

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