Information of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer develops from a pre-cancerous condition known as dysplasia. It starts in the cervix, the lower part of a woman's womb or uterus. The vast majority of cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papilloma virus, more commonly known as the HPV. If untreated, it spreads slowly to other parts of the body, literally taking years to do so in most cases. People with cervical cancer do not usually find themselves bothered by it until it has spread to other parts of the body.

Symptoms of cervical cancer include:

* continuous discharge from the vagina. These discharges are usually pale, watery, pink, brown, bloody or foul smelling.
* Abnormal vaginal bleeding between monthly periods, after sexual intercourse or after the woman has gone through menopause.
* A definite change in the heaviness and length of monthly periods.
* The start of bleeding after the end of menopause.
* Loss of appetite.
* Unexplainable loss in weight.
* Unexplainable frequent times of fatigue.
* Pelvic pain.
* Back pain.
* Swelling in just one leg.
* Urine or feces leaking from the vagina.
* A definite increase in the tendency to experience bone fractures.

Cervical cancer is one of the major reasons why it is so important that women have regular pap smear tests. Dysplasia Is easily detected and easily dealt with. The majority of cases of this cancer are the result of women not taking proper precautions against it by having pap smear tests. While medical studies have shown this cancer to be the third most common form of cancer amongst women on a world wide basis, it is very seldom seen in the United States today, thanks to pap smears and the proper follow up when dysplasia is detected.

Medical professionals are quick to assure us that the presence of cervical cancer does not mean that the cancer itself or the surgical removal of it will result in a woman being unable to bear children. There are several different forms of surgery which can be used to successfully remove the cancer while doing no harm to the cervix or any part of the uterus in any way. These include loop electrosurgical excision procedure, in which electricity is used to remove any abnormal tissue, cryotherapy, in which abnormal cells are frozen and laser therapy in which light is used to burn away any abnormal tissue found.

The best way to deal with cervical cancer is to follow the advice given us by our medical professionals and have tests done on a regular basis so that it can be stopped before it ever gets a chance to start.

For more information about Cervical Cancer please visit our site

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