Having Ovarian Cysts and the Foods to Avoid

Ovarian cysts are considered self-limiting. Self-limiting is an action which means that it will go away on its own and in its own time. It is very important to note that not all cysts are categorized as self-limiting, as they can be painful as well as respond in different ways to chemical changes within the body. Certain foods can do the same thing. The foods to avoid if diagnosed with an ovarian cyst will be discussed within this article.

It's obvious that food is important and that some foods are not good for us at all to a certain extent. Some foods can assist in a healing process and others can cause negative actions to the body. If you have been diagnosed with a particular medical condition, it is very helpful to know which foods are beneficial and those that are not.

The foods to avoid that are noted below may already have been removed from your grocery list, but take a look as you might find some that you are not aware of.

Alcoholic Drinks- As the saying goes everything in moderation and this certainly applies to alcoholic beverages. It is difficult for the body to process this type of drink so it is best to completely abstain from it if possible. The reason for this is because the alcoholic ingredients can worsen the ovarian cyst symptoms.

Caffeinated and Carbonated Beverages- Not only can these aggravate cysts, but they can certainly cause a great deal of discomfort. In addition, they are considered a bad choice for one's health and water should be the alternative as water will help flush the body.

Dairy Products, carbohydrates and sugar- These foods to avoid increase an imbalance of the body's hormones and cause inflammation as well as pain. Carrot juice, dried fruits and rice cakes are several foods within this category to take note of.

Eggs- Eggs are an excellent source of protein; although, if a woman is diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, eggs should be removed (if possible) from her diet as the cyst can be irritated and cause discomfort.

Meat/Poultry- Iron found in red meat is said to "feed" the ovarian cyst which allows the cyst to grow. These are certainly two foods to avoid.

Processed Foods- There has been debate if canned food is as good as fresh, and for this instance, if an ovarian cyst exists then processed foods should be avoided. The reason why these are foods to avoid is because they contain preservatives which are not natural and offer no nutritional value.

Saturated Fats and Trans Fats- Saturated fats are found generally in animal fats. Trans fats can be found in margarine, cakes and cookies as also candies. These should be avoided if an ovarian cyst exists because they will disrupt the menstrual cycle.

The foods to avoid which have been noted within this article are just the tip of the iceberg. You can consult with your attending physician or other health care provider about all of the foods that should be avoided when an ovarian cyst has been found. Eating the right foods leads to a healthy diet and a more natural way of living.

Darlene Rogers

Darlene Rogers is a researcher,writer, and web publisher on health and beauty issues.
If you want even more information about the natural treatment of ovarian cysts and other symptoms for ovarian cysts go to her website http://www.symptomsforovariancysts.com/.

Original article

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