Beating Ovarian Cancer: Knowing the Early Symptoms

The words ovarian cancer strike fear in women of all ages. It is known as a silent disease because early symptoms are often minor or ignored altogether. This cancer forms when irregular tumors are present on one or both of the ovaries. Unfortunately, doctors are still uncertain the exact cause of the disease; however, there are some factors that may heighten the risk.

It has been shown that cancer of the ovaries is genetic, and women with the BRCA1 mutation are at an increased risk. Breast cancer victims are more likely to develop the cancer. Women also become more susceptible as they age. Those who have given birth to at least one child lower the risk of the disease. The good news is that ovarian cancer is very treatable if caught in the early stages.

Although symptoms of ovarian cancer tend to be very mild, it is very important to listen to your body and consult with your doctor if something does not feel right. Catching the cancer early will increase your survival rate. Some of the most common symptoms include bowel and urinary changes. Women might feel the urge to use the restroom very frequently, but are only able to void a small amount. They often feel bloated after eating small meals, and find themselves easily gaining weight. Another very common symptom is pelvic pain, similar to that of an ovarian cyst. Since these symptoms are common to other illnesses, it is important to see your gynecologist for a checkup.

Only your doctor can properly diagnose ovarian cancer. Very often, the diagnosis comes during a routine pelvic exam, when a cyst is felt on the ovary. Using an ultrasound, the structure of the cyst is examined. Most of these cysts are benign and resolve spontaneously; however, some irregular cysts may need to be biopsied. If the cysts are shown to be malignant, then your doctor will discuss further treatment options. This entire process may be scary and stressful; however, most women experience ovarian cysts in their life, and only a handful are cancerous.

Remember, if caught early, the odds of beating ovarian cancer are very high. Over ninety percent of women diagnosed in the early stages will survive past five years. Taking care of your body, through both diet and exercise, can reduce the risk of cancer. It is very important for all women to have yearly exams. Never feel embarrassed to talk to your doctor about changes you might be feeling. They are there to help.

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