Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome--also called PCOS is something that is known but yet has a great deal more that we need to know about it. What causes PCOS isn't always easy to identify.
It is in fact an imbalance that is usually brought on the resistance to insulin, but the reason for the insulin resistance isn't always clear. The root of the issue is resistance to insulin, but different things provoke or promote that in different women.
What causes PCOS may not be entirely clear in every case, but what PCOS can do to you and your body is:
Excess amounts of body hair
High Cholesterol
Dark skin patches
Multiple Ovarian cysts
Skin Tagging
Lowered Sex Drive
Difficulty in breathing
Baldness or thinning of the hair
Thyroid problems
Studies which are currently taking place show strong links between insulin resistance in women and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Recently new studies show that more than a third of all women who have PCOS have a high level of insulin in their bodies along with impaired tolerance to glucose.
It also shows that about a third of the women with PCOS will develop diabetes in their early forties. In many cases these women will also suffer lifelong battles with infertility and with obesity The vast link between polycystic ovarian syndrome and the insulin resistance is something that physicians have been looking at more closely.
They are hoping to be able to pinpoint not only what causes PCOS but what may be done to treat it, and also to prevent it. The production of insulin is thrown off base by the body being resistant to insulin.
As a result the body may have other issues that can lead to infertility, fatigue and many other detrimental things. All of these issues are symptoms of PCOS, not actually what causes PCOS.
What causes PCOS is an endocrine disorder with the pancreas, but what may actively help to prevent that and to treat it is diet, weight loss, more exercise and numerous other more natural paths to a better lifestyle.
Getting fit and watching your diet is one of the ways that you can outwit what causes PCOS and begin to work your way back to a healthier lifestyle. PCOS and what causes it can be overcome using more natural lifestyles, avoiding certain foods and lowering your weight.
Adding exercise and getting healthier may also be a way to avoid adult onset, or type 2 diabetes and to head that off at the pass too. What causes PCOS is an endocrine disorder and to overcome PCOS is making lifestyle changes that you make in order to accommodate your own desire to live a longer and healthier life
Are you living with PCOS now and want to learn more about what causes PCOS?
Discover a natural cure for this bothersome condition that sadly, can lead to infertility, by visiting http://www.pcostreatmentdigest.com/
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